Case Studies/Blog

questions to ask insurance adjuster water damage

Questions to Ask the Insurance Adjuster after Water Damage

If you have suffered a loss due to water damage and seek coverage from your insurance provider, you will likely engage with one or multiple adjusters who will assess your claim. Meeting with the Adjuster or Adjusters Insurance companies work with several types of adjusters you are likely to meet along the way, and these […]More Info >
flood damage insurance claim tips

Water Damage Insurance Claim Tips for Flood Victims

Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters that can strike a community, causing extensive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. In the aftermath of a flood, homeowners and business owners are often left to deal with the daunting task of filing an insurance claim to cover the cost of repairs and restoration. However, […]More Info >
can a closed insurance claim be reopened

Can a Closed Homeowners Insurance Claim Be Reopened?

Once closed, a homeowner’s insurance claim may be reopened if new evidence or information regarding the claim becomes available. Depending on the specifics of the situation, a reopened claim can result in an increased settlement for the policyholder. Keep reading to learn more. How Can You Reopen Closed Insurance Claims? Can a closed insurance claim […]More Info >
what should you not say in a claim

Here’s What Not to Say to an Insurance Claims Adjuster

A common misconception many people make when their homes or property is damaged is that their insurance company is on their side. The more factual story is that insurance companies want to save as much money as possible, and they do this by trying to avoid what they pay on policyholders’ claims. What Not to […]More Info >
lightning strike

Does Insurance Cover Lightning Damage? 3 Signs Your Home Was Hit by Lightning

Did you know that Flatonia, Texas, is the lightning strike capital of the US? According to statistics, in 2021, the city was struck by lightning 1,043 times. That’s not surprising since Texas experienced the highest number of lightning strikes last year, 41 million to be exact. This is why the number of fire and lightning […]More Info >
Renters Insurance

Everything You Need to Know About Texas Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is not required under Texas law, but your landlord may insist you get one. Actually, it is in your best interests to purchase renters insurance because your landlord’s policy won’t cover the damage to your belongings should anything terrible happen. Also, the average renters insurance policy is around $20 a month, a small […]More Info >

Is An Inspection Necessary When Filing A Fire Damage Claim in Texas?

If your house or business was severely damaged by fire, you must get a thorough fire damage inspection of your property before accepting any settlement offer. As to who pays for a thorough inspection, you need to talk to an insurer representative. If they refuse to pay and argue there’s no need for such a […]More Info >
Pre existing fire damage

How Pre-Existing Fire Damage Impacts Claim Filing Disputes in Texas

exas residents feel they must have insurance to protect their property from unforeseen events, and many financial institutions require it as a condition of lending. However, the unfortunate truth is that even after paying costly premiums, insurance carriers may try their best to undervalue a claim or deny it altogether—shifting blame onto a property owner, […]More Info >

When Is Mold and Water Damage Covered under a Texas Insurance Policy?

Water damage is not only expensive and difficult to repair, but it can lead to mold, which will be an ever-present condition that often requires partial or total reconstruction of a home. Most renter and homeowner policies cover accidental water damage such as an overflowing toilet, broken washing machine, leaking dishwasher hose, or a burst pipe. […]More Info >
Storm coming

How to Storm-Proof Your House and Office: A Quick Guide

In this article, the expert claims attorneys at McClenny Moseley, & Associates highlight how you can prepare your home and office for storm season. While storms are unpredictable, it’s always a good idea to storm-proof your home and office to minimize the risk of damage. Below, check out our top tips on how to storm-proof […]More Info >